About Hoshin Dojo

Our goal is practical self-defense training through Traditional Japanese Martial Arts. We utilize a culmination of Motobu-Ha Shito-Ryu Karate, Traditional Judo, Jujutsu, Aikido, Jujutsu, Kobudo, Iaido.

Students first focus on learning the basics or Kihon that lends itself to very effective self-defense. Then the study of the overall styles.

Students will learn the Karate material first, up to about Purple Belt through Black Belt. During that time, they are encouraged to start learning the other arts that are taught. This is in hopes of making every student one day a practitioner of our Bujutsu. Bujutsu is essentially the study of traditional Japanese/Okinawan Martial arts to include striking arts, locking arts, throwing arts, blunt weapons, and edged weapons.

The long-term goal of our school is for all students to eventually become Bujutsu practitioners, which is accomplished by earning at least a Shodan in at least one the taught arts for striking, locking, throwing, Kubudo, and Iaido.

Class Times:

Monday: 6:30PM-8:30PM – Advanced Adult Class

Tuesday: 5:30PM-6:30PM Youth Class & 6:30PM-8:30PM – Beginner Adult Class

Wednesday: 6:30PM-8:30PM – Weapons Class

Our Leadership:

Dr. Charles Wallace is our Shihan or Head Instructor. He is a retired Marine, possesses a Doctorate in Education, and has 24 years of experience in martial arts. Shihan Wallace has over 11,000 hours on the mat, most of which he was also severing as an instructor. He is currently belted in the following:

Tomiki Aikido – 7th Degree Black Belt
Goju-Ryu Karate – 6th Degree Black Belt
Motobu-Ha Shito-Ryu Karate- 5th Degree Black Belt
Judo – 5th Degree Black Belt
Kobudo – 4th Degree Black Belt
Shobudo, Jujutsu – 3rd Degree Black Belt
Sato-Ryu – 3rd Degree Black Belt
Eishen-Ryu – 2nd Degree Black Belt
Mugai-Ryu – 2nd Degree Black Belt

Our ShihanDai (second in command for business and safety concerns) is Jay Pendley. Jay is retired Army and retired Law Enforcement. Jay possesses a Shodan, or 1st Degree Black Belt, in Motobu-Ha Shito-Ryu Karate. He is also continually training with Shihan Wallace for Judo, Aikido, Jujutsu, and Iaido.

Our Assistant Instructor is David Ghan. David is previous Law Enforcement and Corrections. He is the main instructor for the Youth Class. He possesses a Shodan, or 1st Degree Black Belt, in Motobu-Ha Shito-Ryu Karate. As well as previous experience with American Kenpo Karate. He is also continually training with Shihan Wallace for Judo, Aikido, Jujutsu, and Iaido.

A Glimpse of a Day of Training: